SEQTA: Introduction to Custom Academic Reports Tool (CART) (QCU106)

During this training course, attendees will develop an understanding of navigation around the Custom Academic Reports Tool (CART).


Participants will gain knowledge of the structure of the custom reports tool and its navigation. They will be able to create a custom report, then save and preview it. They will be shown how to enable it once it is ready to use and then generate an academic report for students. 

Target Audience

K-12 Teachers, Heads of Year, Curriculum leaders, Principals and Deputy Principals, Instructional Leaders, Administrators, IT staff

Learning Outcomes

  • Introduction to SEQTA Teach
  • What is the Custom academic reporting tool?
  • Create Custom reports
  • Save a Custom report
  • Preview a Custom report
  • Edit a Custom report
  • Enable a Custom report
  • Close a Custom report
  • Delete a Custom report
  • Generate an academic report

AITSL Standards Addressed

2.3, 5.1,.5.2 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 6.2


To get the most out of your Training, it is highly encouraged that you turn on your camera. There is no single thing that will make as big a difference in the quality of your collaboration than turning your cameras on.