SEQTA: Introduction to Curriculum and Marksbook (QCU101)

This training course is intended to provide an understanding of SEQTA planning, programming and assessments in a secondary school environment.


During this session, participants will develop a general understanding of how to navigate SEQTA Teach. They will be given an overview of SEQTA's programme model. Then delve deeper into how to create programmes; and plan and structure content and assessments, delivering content in a virtual classroom environment.

Participants will investigate SEQTA's capacity to enhance teacher collaboration and communication, while facilitating sharing of teaching programmes and resources. In addition, they will look at how subject timetabling, appointments and events can be utilised within SEQTA. Content also includes an introduction to student/parent engagement via SEQTA Learn and SEQTA Engage.

Target Audience

Secondary Teachers, Heads of Year, Curriculum leaders, Principals and Deputy Principals, Instructional Leaders

Learning Outcomes

  • Create new programmes or use existing programmes
  • Plan and structure content and assessments
  • Enable virtual classroom delivery
  • Enhance teacher collaboration and communication 
  • Facilitate sharing of teaching programmes and resources
  • Understand subject timetabling options for class and specialist teachers
  • Understand the use of appointments and/or events managed within SEQTA
  • Introduction to student/parent engagement
  • Improve productivity

AITSL Standards Addressed

2.2, 2.3, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 5.1, 6.2


To get the most out of your Training, it is highly encouraged that you turn on your camera. There is no single thing that will make as big a difference in the quality of your collaboration than turning your cameras on.