SEQTA: Common Oral Assessment Task (SCSA WA - RSCOT export) Setup & Reporting

Please attend this free webinar to assist you with Common Oral Assessment Task Reporting.


To conform with The Western Australia’s School Curriculum and Standards Authority upload for reporting the Common Oral Assessment Task you will need to use ‘Reporting Syllabus’  in SEQTA Teach.  This webinar will outline the specific steps required for the SEQTA Administrator/Curriculum Head,  and Teachers to complete this task.

Learning Outcomes

The Demonstration will cover:

  • Installing the required Syllabus set (SCSA RSCOT)
  • Setup of Reporting Syllabus
  • Entering Results
  • Sanity Checking Results
  • Exporting Results

Target Audience

Western Australia Schools SEQTA Curriculum Administrators responsible for the P-10 Achievements (RSLAS) Upload.